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[綜合討論] [轉貼] 國際版買NX方法 (免CREDIT CARD)

發表於 5-7-2006 07:02:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
無信用卡又想買NX 就入黎睇下, 以下轉貼係教用BANK ACC. 過數買NX..........
呢個方法絕對合法,可行, 我都係用咁既方法買NX

下面已經好詳細咁講晒第個步驟, 請大家一句一字細心咁睇, 唔好係又問唔係又問, 未睇晒又問一堆已經有寫的問題
更何況作者不是我, 問我都未必識
而最重要的問題係....唔好問可唔可以譯番做中文等等相類似問題, 此文係純轉貼, 若果真係有字唔明請問啞老師,
[呢篇用字已經唔深, 又有圖, 真係睇唔明的話小弟見議 還是學好英文才打機, 百利而無一害]

P.S: 因為涉及真錢, 所以老土都要講句 - 請自行承擔經網上過數風險, 所有金錢損失與本人無關

Okay, first go to www.paypal.com and make an account.

After you have confirmed your email log onto your pay pal account. From the main menu, click on “profile” and then click “bank accounts”.

Then click add or add bank account if a bank account isn’t on you account.

Choose your country from the list (mine only has Australia and US because I registered for Australia).

Now here is the part where you need all your bank details.

After you have entered your bank details, pay pal will send 2 payments to your bank account (yes they give you FREE money, but not much), they will give you around about 2 payments of 27 and 21cents or something (may take up to 3 working days), this is just to confirm it’s your bank account. Now you have to find out how much those too payments were (ring up your bank, go to the bank, or use internet banking if you have it). When you have found out those 2 payments log back onto pay pal and click the tab add funds then enter those to payments to confirm.

When you have done this you can now add money to your account, click on add funds and select the location of your bank account.

Then chose the bank account you want to use and the amount of money you want to take out.

Now in this pic it shows that I added money, I brought NXpoints and I’m waiting for the $39 I added to go though.

If you get this when you are buying cash shop points on maple, this means that there is not enough money in your account for the purchase.

Remember kids, ask for Mummy and Daddies permission XD

[轉自SW.NET - Zyther]

[ Last edited by HOLEOLEO on 2006-7-5 at 07:04 AM ]

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